Monday, July 9, 2007

Tenative Plan for this Week

My schedule for this week has me one day on and one day off at work, so I'll have every other day to work on finishing this boat project. First two things to do are to replywood the deck on the starboard side, and rebuild the risers for the decorative wooden back rail. I'm probably going to have to piece the risers together from mahogany scrap although the idea of buying extra thick stock from the lumber yard has kept me from taking this step so far. I'm just going to go on and do it with the wood that I have because keeping costs as low as possible has become a real priority on this job. Of course, these are tenative plans because what actually gets done depends upon where the shade is, how hot it is, how I feel, and what catches my interest while I am actually there. I also have to buy some more paint and paint the decks in after they are finished, paint the top of the cabin, and finish painting the top roof. Those jobs should take a couple of days, and then I will try cutting glass and replacing the windows, and also finish the wood around the windows. I put stain on the top brightwork I was sanding which may have been a mistake. A natural color oil finish might have hidden the imperfections an old boat like this naturally has, but it doesn't look too bad, and maybe the sun will fade the dark spots a little bit if I hold off oiling it anymore for a week or two. I felt like one coat of oil was mandatory just to protect the wood. The stain may all get sanded off eventually, thats one of the great things about working with wood is it gets prettier as you sand off your mistakes. I'll try to remember to take the camera and get some new pictures.

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