Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Finally Arrived

Well after some begging and some money spent I found a hauling company that would bring my old Owens to her new home. What I didn't know when I was arranging the hauling was that marinas were going to be about as hard to convince to store a wooden boat as the trucking companies were to tow her. I had to call dozens of marinas and eventually offer to pay 6 months storage, lift fees, and a disposal deposit all up front. That all came to about two thousand, and so with a lighter pocket book, but fewer month by month worries I have her blocked in a good yard and ready to start work on.

Even after going through all this the marina owner, who is a really nice guy, had serious reservations. He offered to give me a much newer fiberglass boat, and dispose of this one. It was a very good offer, but what can I say, I am in love with this old girl, and me and her are going to see this project through to the end. Here is a photo of her in her new home.

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