Thursday, July 5, 2007

Explaining the pictures

The pictures I just posted show the whole boat, the before and after on the roof, and the before and after on the bottom paint. I'm not going to say much about the bottom paint, because like I said it has secret recipe additives, and is kind of experimental. The roof was in real bad shape. I made it about 6 inches shorter in the middle, and scrounged a curved piece of wood to frame it in. I then cut 3 pieces of scrounged mahogany into shape and screwed them over the inside of the curve lapping over the "rafters" to hold them in place, and with the vinyl or canvas between the two layers of framing. I had to plane two of the pieces I'm calling rafters, for lack of a better term, to get the middle piece to screw down. I then free form sanded all three pieces with my big sander to make it look like it belonged there, and finish sanded it with my little orbital sander which broke about halfway through (I bought a cheap one 2 days ago, maybe the store will take it back). I settled for half sanded and slapped some mahogany stain and a little oil on it, and called it done for now, it might get a better finish one day.

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